What is the US Dept of Agriculture

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is a cabinet-level agency made up of 29 agencies and offices with over 100,000 employees at more than 4,500 locations across the country.
The USDA’s mission is to keep America’s farmers and ranchers in business and ensure that the nation’s commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and properly labeled.
They also help to ensure the health and care of animals and plants and the health of the land through sustainable management.

What is the USDA OIG

The USDA OIG Office of Inspector General is the internal security division of the Department of Agriculture and was legislatively established in 1978 with the enactment of the Inspector General Act (Public Law 95-452).

The act requires the Inspector General to independently and objectively perform audits and investigations of Department of Agriculture programs and operations, and promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness or that prevent and detect fraud and abuse in programs and operations,
both within USDA and in non-Federal entities that receive USDA assistance.

What Does the USDA OIG Investigate

Investigations conducted by the Department of Agriculture OIG Special Agents involve criminal activities such as:
frauds in subsidy, price support, benefits, and insurance programs; significant thefts of Government property or funds; bribery; extortion; smuggling; and assaults on USDA employees.

USDA OIG Investigates criminal activity that affects the health and safety of the public, such as:
meatpackers who knowingly sell hazardous food products and individuals who tamper with food regulated by USDA, are also high-profile investigative priorities.

What is the authority of the USDA OIG?

Pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978 and Section 1337 of the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 (P.L. 97-98), OIG Investigation Special Agents are the federal law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with nation-wide-wide investigative jurisdiction.
OIG Special Agents conduct investigations of significant criminal activities involving USDA programs, operations, and personnel, and are authorized to make arrests, execute warrants, and carry firearms.


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