CALL Holli Coulman
Holli Coulman Prison Consultant
Holli Coulman Prison Consultant – ABA Certified Paralegal – Certified Life Coach
Holli Coulman is a Certified Paralegal, author, public speaker, and advocate for women’s prison reform.
She currently works for a well-known City Public Defense Office and has first-hand experience as an inmate in the Federal Prison System. After her release from Prison she become a prison consultant and advocate for women facing incarceration.
How Holli Coulman Helps People
Being a well-known Women’s Prison Consultant, Holli passionately helps women and their families navigate the difficult waters of incarceration. Coulman counsels her clients in Pre-release and Post-release planning, navigates the obstacles encountered in clemency and appeals, and works towards compassionate releases. Additionally, she arranges relevant coursework for women during their incarceration to continue their education and prepare for a better life.
Through a variety of consultancy platforms, Holli is able to draw in resources to serve her clients as they deal with difficult circumstances related to incarceration.
As a member of corporate America, Holli had earned recognition in a highly-competitive, male-dominated corporate atmosphere.
Why Holli Columan Went to Prison
Holli’s high-profile job at a high-tech corporation soon attracted federal investigation scrutiny. The authorities held her directly responsible, charging her with financial fraud. Consequently, she had to enter a guilty plea.
Ultimately, a conviction for a single count of wire fraud resulted in her receiving a 21-month sentence.

Holli Coulman Incarceration
Coulman served her sentence at the Federal Women’s Camp in Victorville, CA, including two months in solitary confinement in the Special Housing Unit (SHU) at the San Bernardino County Jail, followed by 3 ½ months in a halfway house. Her solitary confinement stemmed from her civil advocacy.
While incarcerated, she earned her Paralegal Certification and started a blog addressing common issues for incarcerated women, such as safety, health, education, and more.
Her book, “True Injustice,” set for release in April 2025, details the retaliatory actions by the Bureau of Prisons and her personal experiences with incarceration.

How Pink Lady Prison Consultants Help Female Inmates?
If you or someone you know was indicted and going to federal prison for a white-collar crime, our services can help you take advantage and qualify for the RDAP Substance Abuse Rehab Program, the First Step Act, the Second Chance Act or Compassionate Release, all which can drastically shorten the time you remain in Custody.
Each one of our consulting Service Areas are designed to limit clients exposure and ensure that they receive the shortest sentence possible, placement in geographically desirable women’s prison camp for visits to maintain family ties, the delaying of fines and restitution, extra halfway house and home confinement, and getting out of federal custody early itself.