Think you’re safe from sex abuse at a Minimum Federal Camp?
Every day I was a Federal Inmate at the Victorville Prison Camp I was subjected to constant verbal sexual harassment by male staff with offers of special treatment for sexual favors.
And when I tried to report it through official channels I was shunned, placed under investigation, and sent to the San Bernardino County Jail isolated for months in solitary confinement with a steel toilet, thin blanket and a bible in attempt to shut me up.
And it wasn’t just me! Female inmate sexual abuse is a virtual epidemic at Victorville and women’s Federal Prisons nationwide.
Everyday female prisoners are raped, groped or victimized through other types of sexual coercion in exchange for basic commodities like cigarettes and toiletries. Often, these incidents go unreported because of fear.
While I can’t prevent you from being sexually harassed, I can help you deal with it before it happens and teach you steps to safely report it and limit your exposure.
BOP Female Inmate Rapes
When I was at Victorville the following BOP Staff Rape actually happened to female inmates I knew. TO PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU!
Inmate Rape At Victorville Federal Prison Camp
Correctional Officer Apolonio Gamez began working for the BOP in August 2012, and at the Victorville Federal Prison Camp since 2016.
In March of 2018, the U.S. Attorney’s Office charged him with engaging in forced sexual activity with two female inmates.
In September 2016 while on duty, Gamez directed a female inmate inside a food warehouse to perform oral sex on him.
A week later, he brought her to a different warehouse and where he engaged in sexual intercourse with her.
And then in March 2017, Gamez forced another inmate he thought was stealing food to perform oral sex on him.
The inmate stated to the authorities as “she did not resist feeling powerless with fear”.
Although Gamez said the inmate was lying and denied the contact, DNA evidene from his sperm the inmate wiped from her tongue onto her bra was analyzed by an FBI Laboratory and found to contain DNA materials consistent with that of Gamez and the inmate.
Gamez faces 15 years in prison.
Female Inmate Sexual Abuse
Phoenix Federal Prison Camp, AZ
Irv Anglin, 29, of Tempe, Arizona, a former correctional officer at FCI Phoenix Minimum Camp was sentenced to 8 months in prison, followed by 10 years of supervised release for engaging in forced sexual contact with a female inmate at the minimum security camp he supervised at the facility.
FCI Hazelton, WV
Scott Douglas Born, a former correctional officer at Federal Correctional Institution Hazelton’s Female Facility, was sentenced today to three months of incarceration for the sexual abuse of an inmate. Born admitted to accepting oral sex from an inmate at the secure female facility from September 2018 to January 2019.
Tallahassee Federal Prison Camp, FL
Phillip Golightly, 39, a former Correctional Officer at at FCI Tallahassee was sentenced to 24-months in federal prison followed by 10 years of supervised release following his conviction on two sexual abuse of a ward (female Inmate) while on duty.
Female Inmate Sexual Abuse
FMC Lexington, KY
Christopher Brian Goodwin, a 46-year-old former correctional officer at the Federal Medical Center (FMC) Lexington, was been sentenced to 135 months in prison for sexual abuse involving female four inmates under his supervision.
Goodwin’s misconduct included forcibly restraining one victim while sexually assaulting her and inappropriately touching the breasts, buttocks, and groin area of three other inmates on multiple occasions, as well as engaging in non-consensual oral sex with them.
Dublin Federal Prison Camp, CA
Andrew Jones, 36, a former correctional officer at FCI Dublin Minimum Security prison camp, in Dublin CA was sentenced to eight years (96 months) in prison for his crimes of sexually abusing multiple female inmates while working overseeing the Food Services Department.
He acknowledged that he engaged in sexual acts, including receiving oral sex and having sexual intercourse, with inmates under his supervision in various locations around the prison’s kitchen area and enforcing silence through threats and violence using a combination of intimidation and flattery to manipulate inmates and exploiting them for his sexual gratification, under the mistaken belief that his actions would remain unreported.
Dublin Federal Prison Camp, CA
John Bellhouse, a former correctional officer at the all-female Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Dublin received a 63-month prison sentence after being found guilty of exploiting his position of authority to engage in sexual misconduct.
He abused his power to engage in oral sex with one of the victims in the prison’s Safety Warehouse, in addition to inappropriate touching in sensitive areas.
Similar incidents occurring in the Safety Office at the FCI Dublin Camp. The officer took advantage of his access to an inmate’s cell to commit sexual acts without her consent,
Female Inmate Sexual Abuse
FMC Carswell, Fort Worth, TX
Matthew McGaugh, 49, a former Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Case Managerwas sentenced to 12 months in federal prison following for one count of sexual abuse of a ward for engaging in multiple sexual acts with an inmate assigned to the BOP, Carswell Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. At the time these sexual acts occurred, the inmate was under the supervisory authority of McGaugh.
FMC Carswell, Fort Worth, TX
A former staff member of the federal Bureau of Prisons, Lt. Luis Curiel, was sentenced to a total of 18 months in prison after pleading guilty to sexually abusing two women at the Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth. Curiel, who held the position of lieutenant at the time of the offenses, admitted to coercing three women into sexual acts near a staff elevator.
The victim recounted her traumatic experiences with Curiel, stating that the abuse occurred multiple times a week for four months and described instances of rape and physical assault, often resulting in significant bruising and bite marks.
Aliceville Federal Prison Camp, AL
Eric Todd Ellis, a 32-year-old former corrections officer at the Federal Correctional Institution in Aliceville (FCI-Aliceville), Alabama, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison to charges of sexual abuse of a ward and tampering with a witness. Court documents detailed while on duty, he engaged in a sexual act with a female inmate in the back of the laundry room at the prison.
FCI Tallahassee, FL
Jimmy Lee Highsmith, 42, a former correctional officer was sentenced to four years in federal prison for sexually abusing a ward at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee. Highsmith misused his position of authority to carry out sexual acts with an inmate, coercing her to engage in these encounters in his office and the officers’ bathroom.
The case against Highsmith included damning surveillance footage that showed him engaging in sexual activities with the inmate in his office, an incident that occurred around 11:30 p.m. to midnight and was witnessed by other inmates.
FDC Honolulu, HI
Mikael Rivera, 45, a former Bureau of Prisons (BOP) correctional officer, at the Federal Detention Center in Honolulu from Kapolei, was arrested on charges related to the alleged sexual abuse of female inmates. During his tenure as a correctional officer, he reportedly engaged in multiple sexual acts with one inmate, using threats as a means of coercion.
Additionally, Rivera is accused of sexually abusive conduct involving two other inmates under his supervision. The charges brought against Rivera are severe, including six counts of sexual abuse by threats and 11 counts of sexual abuse of a ward.
MDC Los Angeles, CA
Abel Concho, a 54-year-old former correctional officer at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Los Angeles, was handed a six-month sentence for lying about his sexual involvement with an inmate under his supervision. Concho smuggled a cellphone into MDC, giving it to the female inmate to take naked pictures.
MDC Los Angeles, CA
Jose Viera, 49, a former Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) officer at MDC Los Angeles, was convicted of sexually assaulting a female inmate, received a 120-month federal prison sentence. The incident occurred when Viera was overseeing incarcerated women quarantined due to COVID-19.
Viera entered the cell of a victim who was in isolation for COVID-19. and sexually assaulted her.
Dublin Federal Prison Camp, CA
Ray J. Garcia, 55, from Merced, California, and the former warden of the Federal Correctional Institute in Dublin (FCI Dublin), was sentenced to 70 months in prison for his involvement in sexually abusing three female inmates and making false statements to federal investigators.
Garcia’s trial revealed that during his tenure as associate warden and later as warden at FCI Dublin, an all-female low-security federal correctional institution, he abused his position of authority with sexual abuse against the three female inmates.
Aliceville Federal Prison Camp, AL
Robert D. Smith, a 38-year-old former correctional officer at FCI Alicevile, Alabama entered a guilty plea to a charge of sexual abuse of a ward. While performing his duties, Smith engaged in a sexual act with T.M., a female inmate under his official custodial, supervisory, or disciplinary authority. Additionally, Smith confessed to sexually abusing another inmate during his time in service.
FMC Lexington, KY
A Dustin Sparks, a former correctional officer at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, pled guilty to sexual abuse of a ward. While employed as a correctional officer at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, Dustin B. Sparks, 29, knowingly engaged in a sexual act with an inmate on one or more occasions.
FCI Tallahassee, FL
Lenton Jerome Hatten, 54, a former correctional officer at FCI Tallahassee was sentenced to three months in prison, followed by five years of supervised release – for sexual abuse of an individual in federal custody.
Hatten engaged in repeated sexual acts with an inmate while employed as a sports specialist for the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee (FCI Tallahassee).
MCC Manhattan, NY
Colin Akparanta, a 42-year-old former federal correctional officer at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan was sentenced to federal prison for engaging in abusive sexual acts with seven female inmates in exchange for illicit items.
Akparanta committed acts of sexual abuse, including digital penetration and touching the victims’ breasts, buttocks, and genitalia. He also coerced some of the victims to touch his penis over his clothing.
June 2006 – FCI Tallahassee Florida
A deadly gun battle erupted inside FCI Tallahassee when Correctional Officer Ralph Hill opened fire on FBI agents who’d come to arrest him and other staff on charges of having sex with female inmates in exchange for money, alcohol and pot.
Hill shot and killed a Justice Department investigator and was later killed by federal agents.
Oct 2011 – Alderson Federal Prison Camp
Ron Ray Legg a contract testing administrator employee at Alderson Federal Prison pled guilty to abusive sexual contact with a female inmate and was sentenced to one year after admiditing he forced the female inmate to perform oral sex on him.
Jul 2011 – US Probation Office – Eugene Oregon
US Probation Officer Mark J. Walker was sentenced to 10 years in Federal Prison after being convicted of violating the constitutional rights to bodily integrity of five women while he acted under color of law by pressuring several women on his caseload into having sex with him and threatening to send them back to prison if they didn’t.
With one victim, Walker pulled her pants down and forced her to have sexual intercourse with him when he visited her home as part of his official duties.”
June 2014 – Carswell Federal Medical Center Texas
Federal Correctional Officer Brady Michael Green pleaded guilty in 2014 to making a false statement to a government agency for lying about having sex with an inmate at least three times.
May 2016 – Houston Federal Detention Center Texas
Federal Correctional Officer Samuel Hawkins pled guilty to abusive sexual abuse after raping a female inmate four days before she was released after serving a sentence for payroll check fraud at the Federal Detention Center in downtown Houston.
May 2015 – Alderson Federal Prison Camp West Virgina
Federal Correctional Officer Richard Canterbury pleaded guilty to sexual abuse by touching a female inmate’s breasts. He was sentenced to 14 months and ordered to register as a sex offender.
August 2012 – MCC San Diego Federal Prison
Federal Correctional Officer Brandon McKinney was sentenced to 10 month in federal prison for sexually assualting a female inmate while on duty at MCC in July of 2010.
Dec 2017 – Aliceville Federal Prison Alabama
Federal Correctional Officer Jesse Bailey pleaded guilty to abusive sexual contact after having sex with the inmate in a staff bathroom near the dorm where the inmate at the low-security prison was living.
March 2014 – MDC Brooklyn Federal Prison New York
Federal Correctional Officer Theodore Raines pleaded guilty to abusive sexual contact with a female inmate after investigators recovered his DNA on her panties. He was sentenced to 16 months in federal custody.
May 2016 – MCC Manhattan Federal Prison New York
Rudell L. Clark Mullings, a former federal correctional officer at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Manhattan was sentenced to sexually abusing a female inmate.
The woman tried to fight back but Mullings pulled down her pants and pinned her and carried out rape in a corridor that had no surveillance video.
Jul 2016 – Phoenix Federal Prison Camp
Federal correctional officer James Toadvin pled guilty to of abusive sexual contact with a with a female inmate in a storage building while working as a recreation specialist at the federal women’s prison facility in Phoenix.
He was sentenced to one year in prison and must register as a sex offender.
March 2017 – Phoenix Federal Prison Camp
Senior Federal correctional officer Edward Mendoza pled guilty and was sentenced to 16 months in prison for having sex with a female inmate on multiple ocassions Feb. 1, 2015 and April 2, 2015 at a the woman’s minimum prison camp.
Jan 2016 – Bryan Federal Prison Camp Texas
Federal Correctional Officer Marshall Thomas was charged with two counts of sexual abuse.
According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Thomas began supervising a female inmate in March 2014 and acted inappropriately by kissing and touching her when they were alone.
In July, 2014, he directed her into a room forcing her to have sex with him. Thomas told her that if she reported any of what happened he would “flag” her and take her good time.
The same day, he told another inmate to go in a back room and sexually violated her with his hand when she resisted.
June 2016 – Bryan Federal Prison Camp Texas
Federal Correctional Officer Kendrick Desmond Brooks, admitted to having sexual intercourse with a female inmate at the prison camp on at least two separate occasions inside a boiler room and faces up 15 years in prison.
July 2016 – Bryan Federal Prison Camp Texas
Federal Correctional Officer James Graves pled guilty to four counts of sexual abuse after admitting to sexual relationships with two inmates while a correctional officer at the camp.
According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Graves engaged in multiple sex acts with an inmate at the prison camp several times during the summer of 2014.
Nov 2017 – FDC Miami Florida
Damon Coleman prison guard at the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Miami was sentenced to eight months after pleading guilty to raping a woman inmate inside her cell.
According to DNA testing there was a mix of Coleman’s semen and the inmate bodily fluids on her blanket.
Jan 2018 – Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center New York
Federal Correctional Lieutenant Carlos Richard Martinez was found guilty by a federal jury of aggravated sexual abuse repeatedly raping a female inmate entrusted to his care.
The rapes began when the inmate was assigned to clean offices in the prison. The inmate was a young woman who spoke no English and whose family never came to visit.
Fellow inmates testified after one of the rapes, she returned to their dormitory bleeding, crying and terrified.
May 2017 – Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center
Federal Correctional Lieutenant Eugenio Perez was charged with sexually attacking five female inmates who separately gave investigators matching descriptions of his penis right down to the nickname he’d bestowed on it.
Prosecutors confirmed the description after a search warrant ordered Perez to show his penis off one more time — for the record. Perez, was charged with turning the detention center into their personal, often violent, sex den.
Nov 2017 – Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center
Federal Correctional Officer Armando Moronta pleaded guilty to various charges, including bribery, narcotics conspiracy, and four counts of sexual abuse of a ward from March to Dec. 2016.
Moronta, admitted to fondling a female inmate, causing multiple female inmates to “perform oral sex on him while he was assigned to guard their unit” and other criminal sexual acts.
October 2017 – FCI Butner
Federal Correctional Officer Calvin Terrance Davis pleaded guilty to one count of criminal sexual abuse after forcing an inmate to perform oral sex on him while serving as a correctional officer there.
Although Butner is a male prison facility, the inmate was transgender and identified herself as female. Clothing from the victim sent to the FBI found semen that a DNA test later matched to Davis.

How Pink Lady Prison Consultants Help Female Inmates?
If you or someone you know was indicted and going to federal prison for a white-collar crime, our services can help you take advantage and qualify for the RDAP Substance Abuse Rehab Program, the First Step Act, the Second Chance Act or Compassionate Release, all which can drastically shorten the time you remain in Custody.
Each one of our consulting Service Areas are designed to limit clients exposure and ensure that they receive the shortest sentence possible, placement in geographically desirable women’s prison camp for visits to maintain family ties, the delaying of fines and restitution, extra halfway house and home confinement, and getting out of federal custody early itself.