What is the Dept. of Transportation
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is a Federal cabinet-level agency whose priorities are to keep the traveling public safe and secure, increase their mobility, and have our transportation system contribute to the nation’s economic growth.
DOT employs almost 55,000 people across the country, in the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) and its operating administrations and bureaus, each with its own management and organizational structure.
What is the DOT OIG
The Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General (OIG) was created pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978 to provide oversight at preventing inefficient or unlawful operations within the Department of Transportation.
DOT OIG are Sworn Special Agents and Criminal Investigators and Federal Law Enforcement Officers pursuant to Section 6(e)(3) of the IG Act of 1978 and are trained at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Glynco, Georgia.
What Does the DOT OIG Investigate
The Department of Transportation (DOT) OIG investigates allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and other violations of law by DOT employees, contractors, grantees, and regulated entities and refers a variety of matters for a criminal prosecution,
including cases involving transportation safety, procurement and grant fraud, consumer and workforce fraud, and employee integrity issues.
DOT OIG also investigates fraud and other violations in the transportation industry—including suspect or unapproved parts fraud (such as counterfeit aircraft parts and airbags), household goods moving fraud, commercial driver’s license fraud, hours-of-service fraud, and pipeline and hazardous materials violations.
What is the authority of the DOT OIG?
DOT OIG special agents have been granted Federal law enforcement authority to conduct criminal investigations—including the authority to make arrests, obtain and execute search warrants, and carry firearms.
Before 2002, OIG special agents were granted law enforcement authority through special deputation by the U.S. Marshals Service.
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 granted our special agents permanent statutory law enforcement authority.

How Pink Lady Prison Consultants Help Female Inmates?
If you or someone you know was indicted and going to federal prison for a white-collar crime, our services can help you take advantage and qualify for the RDAP Substance Abuse Rehab Program, the First Step Act, the Second Chance Act or Compassionate Release, all which can drastically shorten the time you remain in Custody.
Each one of our consulting Service Areas are designed to limit clients exposure and ensure that they receive the shortest sentence possible, placement in geographically desirable women’s prison camp for visits to maintain family ties, the delaying of fines and restitution, extra halfway house and home confinement, and getting out of federal custody early itself.